Womb Escape......Hell No!

It's another 365 days tick tock today for me and I'm so grateful for all I have achieved for the last 3 decades. Grace found me, lifted me and prospered me.

I chose that funny title for this post because a dear friend wished me a Happy womb escape. Well, she never meant no harm but the quidnunc inside me just went 'whaaaaat, hell no! I can't be a womb escapee".

Womb Escape....Is that a new line. I guess so. Literally this shouldn't mean anything.
I just feel like making a sensible issue of it. No one whether planned or unplanned should be a womb escapee. God's got plans for all mankind irrespective of how your conception took place. I'll let you into my own life a little to explain what I mean.

Precisely 3 Jan three decades ago my mother was terribly sick and had me in her tummy. She was diagnosed with jaundice and the doctors said her only option was to allow them terminate the child so she could live.

My dad had no choice but signed the papers. They were all prepared to start the operation when the Lead surgeon noticed her wedding band was still on. She excused her and ask others leave the OR for just 10 mins. Then my mum told me she couldn't shout but prayed under her breath " Lord if there's any purpose for this child on Earth, let her not die but live today" and she pushed forcefully without any help from nurses. I came out laid at the tip of her bed.

The team of doctors came back into the room to find a baby staring at them with the biggest eyeballs ever seen. They were preparing to terminate one life to save the other but God saved TWO.

I'm alive today healthy and strong. I dare say to you every life's got a purpose and there's no such thing as a Womb Escapee.


Celebrate with me as I conquer new giant strides for the next decade.

I Love you all.


Unknown said…
Yea! You are destined to reign.
Unknown said…
Thanks a bunch ma
Unknown said…
Nice! More blessings

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