
Showing posts from November 17, 2013

What will our ears not hear ooooo............Sex workers using anti-HIV drugs instead of condoms.

In Kenya 1.5 million people are living with HIV, and there are about 100,000 new infections every year.  Despite this, some sex workers are having unprotected sex - and taking antiretroviral drugs afterwards to cut the infection risk. How reckless is this? "Let me tell you the truth about why many of us don't use condoms," says Sheila who has been a prostitute in Nairobi's Korogocho slum for six years. "We don't have money, and when you meet a client who offers to give you more money than you usually get, you have sex without protection even when you don't know his HIV status." Sheila says she and other prostitutes can go to a clinic the next morning to get emergency antiretrovirals - drugs which suppress the virus, if taken within 72 hours of infection, and in many cases stop its progression. "We use this medicine instead of condoms," she says. The type of antiretroviral in question is known as post-exposur

Quote of the day

''The brave may not live forever but the cautious do not live at all''.............Richard Brandson.

Tip of the day

THE MASTER MIND PRINCIPLE This principle says that you become like those people whom you surround yourself with. you turn into the people who you associate and spend time with. Homeless people hang out with other homeless people, millionaires hangout with millionaires too. By doing this, you are ten times more likely to achieve Success, than if you tried to do it ''On your Own''. .....excerpt from Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. ENJOY YOUR DAY.