Pen it down......

Growing up, I had an aunt who writes the details of all those who did her wrong in her Diary and the measures she'll take in dealing with them. She had a list for her enemies, friends, debtors, boyfriends who broke her heart and her  secret admirers and crushers.....Lol!

Her Diary was her most prized possession and as youngsters then, we were always curious about reading her secret book. She carried it everywhere she went, hides it under her pillow at night to sleep and takes it along to the restroom. Her sacred attachment to that book almost gave me a wrong idea about the use of a Diary.

So many of us are as ignorant as my aunt way back. What do you keep in your Diary?

A Diary is a dated handful copies of sheets which purpose is to help the owner plan an efficient daily itinerary. A man who just wake up in the morning  and set out without a proper plan of what to do with his day is 50% a failure already.

Never stumble on your day.... Have a detailed analysis of how your 24 hours should be. If you work in the office, ensure you arrange your duties and if you run your own business write out your goals for the day, month and year.

Put down your ideas about a proposal, business or even personal stuffs in your Diary. There's a 100% chance you won't forget and ensure it's filled with positive things only.

Don't be like my aunt....Only positive mind, positive actions produced positive results.



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